Am I wrong for being mad at him ?


So this is quite a long story so please bare with me a second. Im going to start with the reason i am mad. My boyfriend left it too late to get my presents ... ok so at this point you are probably judging me but please read before you do.

I met my boyfriend at a party in the summer and instantly fell for him, we talked till 5 in the morning. He told me that he moved back to england from chile in febuary and was currently living with his dad, he also had a job at a factory. A few weeks of seeing eachother passed and he eventually asked me to be his girlfriend. Throughout these weeks there were many nights his dad would lock him out. As we got closer he told me his dad kicked him out so he moved in with a friend of his. But also stayed with me some nights. He lost his job in the same week he lost his home. Every day i made him dinner and lunch so that he wouldnt starve, i would lend him money (which was never payed back) gave him a place to stay when he would fall out with his friend because i cared for him so much.

August 4 was his 21st birthday.... he was so depressed over everything i wanted to make it perfect for him. I got him a cake and personalised it, i got him pants because he desperately needed them as he didnt have much and then i got him a penny board because he constantly went on about wanting one. We had drinks with all our friends and i made sure everyone was there and that he was constantly happy.

I had to pester him about signing on for jsa as hes struggling to find work and he got accepted. Then his 'friend' kicked him out and seb has been living with me rent free. He gets over 100 pound every 2 weeks and blows it in 2 days. Fair enough his money... my mum doesnt expect rent so long as he helps out.

Now ... my 18th birthday is next saturday and i only asked for 2 thing because i know hes not got all the money in the world. I literally asked for a scented candle and a bath bomb... that is it. He spent all his money on drinks down the pub and kfc during the lunch hour of his course. He now only has 35 pounds ...

On my actual birthday my friend has planed a party for me in which we have to travel...

I am now going to have to pay for his .. and he cant even buy me a damn drink on my birthday

I know i shouldnt seem so ungreatful or stuck up but ive done alot for this man and i feel so un apreciated ... im so mad