He wants to get a place together and wants me back in his life...

I'll give you guys a little bit of background information.

I'm 20 he's 26 we met on a blind lunch date April 2016 but we were talking and texting late February/early March 2016.

Anyways we went on that blind date and it was okay. We went on a coffee date a couple weeks later and then we kind of lost contact because I did lots of travelling in the summer (I was in the UK and Europe about 6 weeks from mid June until the end of july 2016) I took a leave off of work to travel

Well while I was away he sent me a text asking how I was doing, saying we should hang out that weekend and whatnot. I was like oh that'd be great but I'm currently away sort of thing and I told him I'd connect with him when I got back home.

Got home, went back to work, spent time with him it was all cool and we seemed to have a good connection!

Asked me to be his girl the end of August 2016. Everything seemed great then November rolls around and he dumps me because he met someone new. I was obviously hurt because I thought we were doing okay and it came out of nowhere to be honest! (Also just a note he dumped me 5 days after my 20th birthday)

So my best friend was like don't talk to him don't text him you need to heal and not let your emotions get the better of you. She said wait 2 weeks and then if he is still texting then you can reply without being hysterical.

So I took her advice. He texted me every single day between 1-3 times per day for 2 weeks straight.

So I replied after the 2 weeks and he's like I made a huge mistake and I knew it the day after I left you type thing. He begged for me back told me he loved me, didn't mean to hurt me, said he made a rash emotional choice that was a terrible mistake and whatnot. I told him life is all about choices and that no one is perfect but you only get one shot.

So we've been talking for a while now and he wants to make it work. Wants to date wants me to be his (keep in mind most guys don't stick around and beg especially for such a long period of time. It's been a month and a bit now)

And now he wants us to get a place together. He's doing all sorts of cute things like showing up to my work with coffee and lunch and bringing me fucking flowers with gift cards to VS he bought me an exhaust system for my truck (MagnaFlow)

He's like I just want you back I love you so much. Even his mom and I were talking because she's super nice and she went on to tell me he has been so down and sad. He cries when he talks about me and feels so guilty. He talks about wanting me back and wanting to make me his wife and have a family because he thinks I'm precious and he made a mistake.

I told him it'll take me a long time to fully trust him again and he's like I know and I don't blame you.

What would you do if you were in my position ladies???