I don't know how I'm meant to feel? ....

I don't know weather I should feel heart broken? Or hurt? Or like an idiot? Or weather I should be okay with it? 
Me and my partner have been talking about trying for a baby for 3 months. Previously to this I caught the broody bug. All I could think about was wanting a baby. I never annoyed my partner, never pressured him. I was just honest and told him how I felt. Then 3 months ago (a few months after I was still feeling this way) he told me he wanted it too. He wants a child. That this is what he wanted. I was so excited. Beyond anything I could ever explain. Last month he had a pretty shitty time at work. So I said we'd leave it. That it's not how I wanted to conceive with him feeling stressed. And then all month it's still all we talked about. I'm now ovulating. And last night he said it's not what he wants. He doesn't think he's ready. He wants to try in the new year but not now.
How am I meant to feel? I feel empty. I don't know if I'm being really selfish. I know I should understand because he's involved in this too. But I feel so heart broken. 
Am I wrong? Am I the bad person in this? Because he doesn't understand why I'm so upset. And I'm just sitting here like am I the awful person here.....