
My SO and I got high last night and had sex once and I was fully into it. Afterwards a bit later I was jacking him off just cause for no reason really. I wasn't in the mood to have sex I was just high. I laid on my stomach because he was trying to tickle me and next thing I know he's on top of me and pulls my pants down. He tried to put it in and I told him it wasn't working, I wasn't wet, and that we should stop and he kept telling me no it's okay and I was telling him it hurt. I suggested maybe doggie style but that was still super uncomfortable and I told him to stop. I laid back down on my stomach and he kept trying to put it in and I kept telling him to stop that I was really uncomfortable. Eventually he stopped because I wouldn't open my legs for him. I feel violated but at the same time I feel like I consented when I offered doggie style.