Was I Raped or Molested?

When I was young, maybe like 6 or 7, there was a family who lived across the street that was close with mine. It was a single mom with three boys, ages 4, 6, and the oldest was between 11-13 years old. Anyway, one day the oldest boy took me out behind the shed and basically instructed me to give him a bj, except that's not what either of us knew it by. He whipped it out and told me to "kiss his thing" and "put it in my mouth". He said he saw it happen on TV. I didn't want to and thought it was silly. I was so young and probably hadn't ever had a sexual thought. Well, anyway, he ended up making me do it. I remember crying afterward because it felt wrong. For a long time I ignored what happened. But now I'm married and I've been watching documentaries about campus rape {if anyone has Netflix, I highly recommend The Hunting Ground} and I've become a huge advocate for women's rights and about consent. I don't know, for some reason it makes me feel dirty. And really weird. I told my husband and he thought it was strange but that we were too young to have been able to see anything wrong with it. What do you think?