More women rapists out there than I realized.

I'm a man. Have been familiarizing myself with rape laws and consent recently due to a huge Facebook blowup in one of my social circles and came across this site.

As one of the other posts illustrated it's rape "If your partner continues to have sex with you and you have changed your mind about the act and would like to stop."

There have been a number of times with a number of different women I've had the experience where we are having sex and I tell them I'm not ready to come yet so stop but instead of stopping they just keep going to town on me. A lot of times they are maybe quite stimulated and just trying to get off but does that excuse their actions? Often I've left the situation feeling ignored. One example was when I told this girl the second time we had sex to please slow down, which she didn't, then I told her to stop a number of times. But she just kept going for awhile and got herself off anyway. I felt like I wasn't even there. It got me off too but I didn't enjoy it. I was actually pretty pissed at her and promptly left her house and never talked to her again.

I never thought of these experiences as rape but I guess they are. All of these girls I would describe as fairly normal, not predatory, which leads me to believe this is pretty common. So there are a lot more women out there who are rapists then I realized. Perhaps some of reading this have done this. As a man, who constantly has to bear the burden or sexual responsibility, this is actually somewhat comforting to know.