How has being abused changed your attitude about certain aspects of romantic relationships?

Nicole • My life is filled with love in so many ways, I'm just happy I stuck around to see it happen.
So, two days from now marks four months since my former intimate partner raped me, and five days ago was three months since I left the relationship. It was highly emotionally abusive and left me with debilitating PTSD and depression. I came out a stronger person, and also got some new ideas about relationships and boundaries. For example, it made me realize exactly how toxic jealousy is. Like, I  My abuser was hyper jealous, to the point where if I left my phone for 5 minutes to take a shower he would accuse me of cheating. He also accused me of cheating with my own cousin because of one instagram photo he saw where I had a conversation with him. He'd spend hours yelling at me and insulting me over perceived infractions, and it wore on my sanity. As a result, I have a zero tolerance policy for irrational jealousy and I insist on respecting the autonomy of my current serious partner. Being abused gave me a much more mature perspective on boundaries and expectations, and has made my current relationship very successful. I mean, I was never a jealous person to begin with, but now I have a level of insight which I did not possess before. I guess that's the one thing that came out of being abused that was positive. Does anyone else have a similar story? I'd love to hear it.