I wanna have a mini rant lol

So if anyone has seen my posts about my lovely doctor you know I hate him. 😂 
So today at my appointment he did an ultrasound. And I'm about 36 weeks give or take but I don't really know because he told me one thing the first time I saw him but now tells me another. But anyways. So I asked for a growth scan last time because I have gestational diabetes and he has yet to check on my son to see if he's getting to big. 
So I thought today hebwould do that. Nope. He checked some amniotic fluid and the umbilical cord flow. Not even allowing me to see my baby. He kept the moniter towards him. 
I even asked again if we were going to measure him. He said no not today. 
My insurance is supposed to cover three scans. 
The first one to date. The second one / anatomy scan at 20 weeks. And then the growth scan at about this time in pregnancy. 
But he scans for fluid... like why in the fuck would you not do it at the same time? Is it really that hard for you to look at my baby while your already there ?! 
I've had tons of vagina scans for a placenta previa none of which I can see my baby or see he's ok and see he's developing normally. 
I just feel like he is an ass. Like a complete fuck face. I got a lot of scans with my first due to my thyroid condition and also having GD with her as well. But no. I have to sit and wonder if everything is ok. 
FUCKING fuck faceÂ