seizures while pregnant

I've been epileptic for about 6 years now. I was almost one year seizure free in October and then I started having little seizures (like staring off to space for a couple seconds, or making a weird noice that last no longer than 5 seconds) and then lastnight I had a grandmal seizure that lasted about 3-4 minutes. Thankfully my family was in the same room as me when I had it. Anyways I called my doctor and he said there was no need to come in but I could if I wanted too. He told me to listen to the heartbeat on my Doppler, we were able to find the heartbeat and I could still feel him kicking like normal. But for any other woman with epilepsy; was you baby perfectly healthy even with having seizures? I'm just really scared the baby is going to have brain damage or something. (I'm 27 weeks tomorrow btw) Also how did you give birth? Was it natural or did you have to get a c-section do to your seizures?