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Rachael • Hi, I'm Rachael. Live in LA🌇. Love quotes lol
So I'm 13. When I 11, I got bullied a lot, didn't have any real friends, and have major family issues, and my grandma died. I almost commuted suicide, I made myself throw up, and kind of cut myself, but I stopped myself, tht year things ended. But this school year I have been getting bullied again and I try going to my best friends about it(they r actual friends btw) and they just told me tht they r here for me and to ignore it, and if you've been through this, u can't just ignore it. And I still have family problems too. I also have this one best friend who is a guy and I love him so much he is such a good friend. Recently his friend commuted suicide while on ft with my friend, so he's been going through a lot and I tried to talk to him but he just went off on me and cursed me out, which he's never done before. And tht for me pushed me too far. I started cutting myself again. And idk what to do. I feel awful again and it feels like there's no one to talk to.