Upset about Bfp?!

I miscarried and had a d and c in November. I'm 21 and never thought I would face infertility. It took me 7 months to conceive(not a lot to some but seemed like forever to me)...And then I carried to 9 weeks before losing baby. I finally got my bfn after slowly watching the test line fade over the span of a couple weeks, and now I keep getting faint  positives. I asked for a blood draw and it was only 3. My doctor is not helpful whatsoever and I have so many questions. These bfp's are haunting me. I wish I could just have some answers...I get so many people saying it's leftover hcg and others saying it's new pregnancy..I really wish my doc would have given me blood draws to watch my hcg fall from the start. It would have been so much more helpful. Ughhhh
Sorry I really needed to vent.