What the doctor said...


Today I had my first appointment with my obgyn. I'm supposed to be 8 weeks tomorrow. I got a pap smear and then he did an ultrasound. He was asking me if I had regular periods. For the most part I do. My last period was October 15th and I was a week late. My next period would have been around November 17th. He told me that based on the ultrasound I'm either not as far a long as we thought or I'm gonna miscarry. I've taken 3 tests all of which have gotten gradually darker. I took another one a little bit ago and there's no way it can get any darker. It's a cheap walmart test. I had just peed like two hours before taking it so I didn't even hold my pee or anything. Just wondering if anyone else has done this and it was a healthy pregnancy or if they in fact miscarried.

This is the test from today. The fact that the line has consistently gotten darker means my hcg levels are rising right? Doctor didn't order a blood test yet.