What's going on

Nicole • PCOS•TTC 3 years
AF suppose to be here today. No sign of her so far. Got nauseous lastnight and told only my right side has been hurting. Tested this morning and it's a BFN. She needs to come on and show her face if she is going to and put me out of my misery.
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When did you start cramping? Do you know when you ovulated? If you ovulated late, then your period be late. If you implanted late then you may not have enough hcg in your urine to test positive. It can take 3-4 days after implantation to test positive. When did you start cramping, today or a couple days ago? 3 days ago you can try to test with SMU or the next day test.


Posted at
Mine hasn't showed up yet either and it was a big fat negative I'm going to retest in a few days if aunt Flo still hasn't showed up with a better brand test


Jessie • Dec 11, 2016
I talked to a lady we're it took her ten days to get a bfp and thanks


Nicole • Dec 11, 2016
think I'm gonna do the same. good luck


Posted at
I'm 10days late with bfn x