Ladies please help! symptom spotting

Hey ladies! Really unsure on this. I'm currently 9dpo, Af due 16th Dec. Sorry if this is TMi but Last 2-3 days I have tingling nipples especially when touched but my boobs don't feel heavy or sore themselves which they normally do before AF, also have mild cramps in my pelvis but not like period cramps more like a pulling sensation/twinge occasionally, also quite a stuffy nose but no fever or any other signs/feeling of being unwell, been feeling nauseas these last few evenings always around 7/8 at night which is strange and definitely not normal for me and been getting heartburn when I lay down in bed at night. My CM has been quite watery/sticky and more than usual. Don't know if my AF is just throwing new things at me to confuse me or if this could be early pregnancy? Would love a BFP for Christmas. Any advice ladies? When's the earliest I could test