*Christmas RANT*


So, first of all, Happy Holidays to everyone! I hope your celebrations are full of joy as we close out 2016 and prepare for 2017!

But as we look forward to the holidays, let's please be mindful and inclusive of EVERYONE!

That means:


Please stop being offended when someone says "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". They're wishing you well, and are just trying to be in the spirit of the season. Calm down. Tell them "Happy Holidays!" "Merry Christmas!" Or even a simple "You Too!" And MOVE ON WITH YOUR DAY. Do not get offended if you hear a business is asking their employees to say "Happy Holidays!" instead of "Merry Christmas!" Or if YOUR business is asking you to say "Happy Holidays!" While you are at work. They do not have a secret Anti-Baby Jesus agenda. They are trying to make sure they're able to include EVERYONE in the holidays- even people who *gasp!* don't celebrate baby Jesus.

Do NOT get your panties in a bunch if there is no Nativity Scene in your town's Christmas display. Feel free to put a nativity scene in your own front yard, or visit a local church to see plastic mother Mary and Baby Jesus in a crate. The entire world will NOT end and it is NOT the beginning of the End of Time because your town decided it would be offensive to other religions to put a nativity scene out. They're, again, just trying to think of all of the different types of celebrations and religious holidays going on this time of year.

And finally, please try to remember that no, Christmas is NOT A Christian holiday, and therefore there is no "right" or "wrong" way to celebrate it -whether you're a Christian or not. If you choose to celebrate Christ's birth on Dec 25th, awesome! He technically was not born that day, though (evidence points to him being born in September, though some theologists say it may have been June), the holiday was stolen from Pagans by Christians trying to get them to convert. So it's ok if others celebrate Christmas WITHOUT celebrating the birth of Christ.

So! Happy Holidays and hope you all enjoy the rest of this year!