Anyone have these issues and it was normal?

Dominece • Married with three lovely kids 2 boys and a lil princess and another princess on the way 3/3/15
Lose 12 pounds in 12 days after 32 weeks ( while eating the right way 3 meals and 3 snacks and no excercise)?
Lose your mucus plug and have several episodes of contractions and the doc says oh well (and you are hr with a previous preterm birth)?
Been sick for over three weeks and no one can find the problem ( after going to the hospital several times taking several test and meds that affect the baby, follow up with your doc, and even tried urgent care)?
I'm on my way to the hospital one more time I just can handle this anymore I need help I'm losing my mind and wanting to give up. My baby shower is Sun and I can barely move or talk :(