when your boyfriend is so active in your pregnancy πŸ˜‚

Maggie β€’ 25🌞Mommy toπŸ’™Luca 12/31/13πŸ’™ Logan 02/14/17πŸ’™
I so would have shown him if I hadn't pooped πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ no shame except for that; anything but that. (He appreciates my decision) πŸ™…πŸΌπŸ’©
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Posted at
Lol my husband is so curious as well he also has an app in his phone to track my pregnancy 


Maggie β€’ Dec 20, 2016
He comes to my appts and is like all for learning about it all. I think he's going to have a harder time during labor than I am though because his pregnancy sympathy is so real πŸ˜‚β€οΈ


Posted at
I lost a big part of my mucus plug one day and told my boyfriend and he was like "I WANNA SEE IT" well by that point I'd already flushed it. So about a week later it happened again and I could hear him walking past the bathroom so I was like "babe, you said you wanna see what a mucus plug is right?" And he opened the door and was hesitant but eventually he was like "yeah let me see it" so I turned the toilet paper towards him and he goes "OMG IT LOOKS LIKE A SNOT ROCKET" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Breanna β€’ Dec 20, 2016
I feel like that guy! It's never ending hahah


Maggie β€’ Dec 20, 2016
Hahaha! These guys crack me up. πŸ˜‚ he keeps asking me if "she" needs a tissue. Like I'm the mucus guy from the Mucinex commercials or something πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Posted at
Omg... I just died! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£Mine doesn't want to know anything. Doesn't want to be in the room when I deliever, nothing. With our first baby, we weren't together and my mom was in the room when I was pushing, and then when I had my c section. He acts like I'm not pregnant. If I complain, or bring anything pregnancy related up, he promptly changes the subject. That's cool that yours is so involved! My DH is a great daddy... he just doesn't appreciate the baby actually being made lol


Maggie β€’ Dec 20, 2016
Lol let's hope! πŸ˜‚ I may not even care in the heat of the moment. Probably be like "YOU PULL HIM OUT NOW" πŸ˜‚


Lauren β€’ Dec 20, 2016
Omg! Lmao he will listen to you... it's that crazy mother in labor power you'll have over him πŸ˜‚


Maggie β€’ Dec 20, 2016
lol I haven't been able to have sex since the 1st week in November until delivery 😭 then the 6 weeks. I told him he isn't allowed to look at the baby coming out; he has to stay by my head. Doubt he'll listen πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Posted at
What does it look like? And how far along are you?I am 23 weeks and for the last few weeks I have been having green think discharge. About 2 times a week. Is that it? Or is there something else going on?


Maggie β€’ Dec 20, 2016
I'm 31 weeks. I've had labor stopped twice since 27 weeks. Good news is the mucus plug can grow back. But I would mentioned it to your doctor so they can check and make sure if it's that 😊


Liala β€’ Dec 20, 2016
maybe I should bring it up at my next doctor appointment. I wonder if it is that or if it is something else. but at 23 weeks, either way I am sure it isn't really supposed to happen


Maggie β€’ Dec 20, 2016
Mine looked like I had a sinus infection and blew my nose into the toilet paper. Sounds gross but it was a pretty decent sized glob of mucus/snotty substance and I know that isn't my usual situation down below πŸ˜‚