4w3d what do you think?

I know it takes a while to "show" but I have had 5 kids this is my 6th. Is it true you show sooner with more kids? I do not feel bloated but look at my pics.

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Posted at
Baby is basically the size of a tiny seed at this point, so you're not seeing the actual baby. However, it's being pregnant that makes you look like that so it's a yes as well!


Amy • Dec 20, 2016


Be • Dec 20, 2016
I had that too! I always called it my baby pooch lol. Because I didn't really look bloated but it was definitely thanks to the baby.


Amy • Dec 20, 2016
i agree but just above panty line it seems to look different, not all the way in stomach. that does look like bloat. lol


Posted at
The baby is still way to small to even be showing right now & still VERY VERY low . It's bloat mainly up until 12-14 weeks (: 


Amy • Dec 20, 2016
i agree but looking just above panty line is what im talking of.