I could really do without....

1) these weird ass vivid dreams! I like to remember some dreams but I could really do without these extremely bizarre ones that keep waking me up at night. 
2) round ligament pain. With my son I don't remember it being as bad as it feels now! Does it get worse with multiples (twins or more) or pregnancies following your first?
3) getting up to pee at night more than once. I can do once but it's like when these dreams started my bladder was like 'alright she up! Gotta make her go pee again even if the tank is still on empty'
4) dry itchy skin. As if winter isn't bad enough pregnancy makes me even more dry and this time it's worse than when I was having my son. Maybe it's a twin thing?
5) itchy dry nipples that look like I've already started nursing some. I swear these suckers are not only itchy, a little painful, but dry sometimes to the point they look a tad like I'm just starting to nurse. 
Like c'mon! Other then these so far everything is going great! What are your things you could do without!?