Hard to be positive

I'm pregnant for the third time now at 6+5. I had a cornual ectopic (in the uterus but not the right spot) three years ago and a chemical pregnancy nine months ago. My anxiety right now is just through the roof. I'm excited to be pregnant again (husband works away so we have lots of timing issues) but part of me is just waiting for the inevitable loss and heartbreak. Everyone keeps telling me to be positive and stop worrying but it's hard when you're on your third pregnancy with no baby yet. I have an ultrasound on Tuesday when I will be 7+1 and I'm scared it's going to show nothing or that I will be misdiagnosed with a blighted ovum or something because I have a really retroverted uterus that is hard to see on u/s. I don't think I can handle another loss. I'm also tapering off my anxiety meds bc I'm pregnant now and I'm sure that isn't helping at all!