I'm sick of it, so I shared my story.

I have been so sick of seeing posts on social media making a big stink about teen pregnancies or pregnancies out of wedlock, so I took action and shared my story. 
"Just literally a few days before my 13th birthday I was diagnosed with a rare reproductive disorder. Now, for men.. this might not be a post you want to read if you're not a fan of the reproductive system. I was diagnosed with two uteruses, one connected to another.  ( there is a long fancy term for it, but you can google it). Now most people think "oh cool, you can carry in baby in both!"  Wrong. In my case, one was filling with blood and the other one was just measuring small. This caused MONTHS of pain and emergency visits several times a day. After my third emergency visit and a hospital transfer, they finally found out that was the issue and scheduled an emergency surgery for the following day. Later to find out, not only did I have this I also had an extreme case of endometriosis. Endometriosis is a painful tissue than grows on the reproductive system and often causes infertility. Now, you thought I was done... they also found out I had two ovarian cysts that also needed to be removed. One the size of a grapefruit and the other the size of a golf ball. They couldn't possibly remove all of this in one surgery. They performed one, then scheduled the next a few months down the road. With a back to back surgery, I was not only physically exhausted but emotionally exhausted. Going from that 12 year old girl who only dreamed of a family of her own one day, to being told having children would be nearly impossible for me. 
      I later on was having extreme pains again, come to find out my endometriosis had grown back once again and a surgery was then scheduled to have it removed. I was devastated, here we go again cutting into my reproductive system. Eventually I got over it, moved on and had the surgery. Getting put on pains medications and going to back to back doctor appointments for follow ups. I was getting tired of it, just come to find out that my reproductive system (what was left of it) was not adhered to my pelvic wall caused by all the scar tissue. The doctors then decided to remove one Fallopian tube, and ovary, and my appendix.That leaving me with one Fallopian tube, one ovary, and a uterus that was smaller than normal that also had been cut into several times. At this point in time I was so emotionally exhausted, I couldn't take it anymore. I literally BEGGED my doctor and my Mom to just remove everything. I was so sick of hearing "The chances are low, but don't give up yet" to "Well, you might have kids but I wouldn't be so sure". I literally could not take it anymore. I cried and begged to just remove it but my doctor refused. I told them this is my last surgery and I won't continue to remove anything else. They proceeded with the survey and removed the Fallopian tube, ovary and the appendix. To a certain point, I no longer felt like a "woman". I felt like I had everything taken away from me and I was left with literally one half of my reproductive system. Don't forget, a small uterus & not to mention how many times it had been cut into. I had given up on hopes to have children. I settled with the fact I couldn't have children, and heard the words come out my my own sisters mouth "I will carry your babies for you". 
Now, I bet you are all wondering where I'm getting at with this or thinking "get over it Haydn". Well, I am sick of seeing Facebook posts saying "scrolling through Facebook looking at all these pregnant woman, and I'm siting over here eating pizza", or "scrolling through Facebook and all I see are single teenagers getting pregnant". Not to mention all the memes going around. I went through HELL. I was told I can't have children and that was my DREAM growing up. Before you post, use your brain. So many girls are taught that the human body is something to be ashamed of, it's FAR FROM something to be ashamed of. The human body is beautiful and does amazing things. 
After going through all of that, I am obviously now 24+ weeks pregnant and have one of the healthiest babies growing in my "cut into" and "broken uterus". At my OB appointment today my little chunk kicked was moving so much my doctor looks at me and says " wow, this is one of the most active babies I have felt in a long time". Now, isn't that something. 
Don't give up hope. Ever. I may not be perfect, I may not be with the father, i may not have all the money in the world. But do you know what I do have? My son growing inside of me, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. 
I hope my story can inspire someone today. I hope my story can make you look teen pregnancies or even pregnancy out of wedlock differently for once 
The human body is amazing. Here's to all the babies, miracle babies and rainbow babies of 2017. Good luck Mommas. ❤️💙"