Fighting over epidural!!

This morning I woke up late,checked my BSL and had my breakfast.. everything was going normal when My husband started ranting about me going for an epidural..
I am 33 weeks 7 days today and tomorrw will be 34.. and I have had completely made up my mind for epidural because being a doctor myself I know how natural births can be.. they can be as smooth as peanut butter and as difficult and complicated resulting in forceps and suction cups..
I have GD and I know that there are chances that going natural might wont go smooth for me..
But!!!! My husbad just read few facebook comments about epidural side effects which made him adamant enough that He is against epidural.. He is ready for a c section but not an epidural.. 
Its getting really hard for me to convince him for that and As I am getting closer to my date I am completely not in a healthy state of mind to fight or argue with people about my situations.. please suggest and share some positive words and experiences about epidurals so that I can feel a bit better..