prayers needed ):

Well... went in today for my anatomy ultrasound and found out I'm having a little boy which I'm very happy... but I also found out that there is something wrong with my little boys legs. Seems to be the feet and knees aren't normal or how they're supposed to be. I have to get some amniotic fluid taken out from me today which hurt so extremely bad.. I was supposed to move to North Carolina tomorrow morning to live with my boyfriend and now that got pushed back to another 3 weeks... I have to meet with a genetics doctor on Friday but more tests and go in next week for a MRI. I honestly don't know what to think right now. I'm a first time mom and it just sucks having to go through this...I wasn't expecting to go home today knowing that there's something wrong with my little baby. I'm scared and feel alone. My boyfriend drove 7 and a half hours to come help me move & to find out the gender with me...knowing that I have to go to these tests all alone honestly sucks. I haven't been able to stop crying.. it's so hard to think positive right now. I've never been this depressed in my entire life... prayers are definitely needed.. my biggest fear came true and I'm just so sad.. praying that there isn't something super seriously wrong and that once my little fella is born there will be a way to fix this problem... now it's just all a waiting game... 😞💔