I know use all aren't doctors but..... going with it anyway

I'm not here for hateful comments like, go to a doc we aren't medical professionals etc etc, I have tried numerous times to google my symptoms I've been to my doctors and they keep sending me away saying it's just tense muscles but this has GOT to be more sinister.... can anyone even guess what this could be, so for the last two years prob a lot longer actually I have had this chronic pain in my left side which only seems to be getting a lot worse, it runs from my jaw line, right down my entire left side. It all started with my arm going dead, and my last two fingers bent in and I couldn't straighten them, now when I hold my left arm above my head it goes dead, pins and needles, and is sore to move, the pain feels deep in my arm put down my neck, in in the back of my left shoulder blade. If I massage the area I get pins and needles and start to feel sick. Sometimes it causes severe jaw pains and headaches. Turning my head to the right hurts the left shoulder blade. And sometimes if I move my head too fast, I get almost like electric currents run down my left side. It's becoming almost embearable everyday. It's making me tired, lack energy. And is getting harder for me to move. 😔😔😔.... TBH, just the thought of someone slicing my left shoulder blade with a knife and removing whatever it is feels like a relief.