prego momma troubles

Mattie • Married to the love of my life. Mother to sweet baby boy - 27 months. Pregnant with baby boy #2!
Hi Momma's! So I don't know if I need advice or support or just to write out how I'm feeling. Currently 17 weeks pregnant and I'm SOOOO emotional. Like things I was able to do and get done before are just so hard and I'm constantly having little mental breakdowns. I currently stay home with my 2 year old who I swear is on some kind of terrible twos rampage! Also fighting a cold and my hubby has been working so much (currently just got a promotion) which I'm very greatful for, but I feel guilty asking him for help when I know he is already working long hours and is pooped like me. But to be honest I feel like I'm just loosing it  most days! I have no one to really ask for help and I have tried turning to prayer and tried being optimistic, but I'm just sooo weepy and overwhelmed! Like how am I going to manage another baby and all of this?! Ahh!! Y'all out there with multiple babies are superheroes!