This is so fucked up..

Kymber • •<3•happily taken •mother to a little girl infinity.•pregnant with baby #2 <3 •family is all that matters.
Ok, so let me start by saying that things between me and my fiances family has not been good at all lately, throughout my whole pregnancy its been nothing but drama, ive bite my tongue long enough to be the bigger person and make admends, but the past couple weeks I've snapped and don't care anymore, so it all started by when I was planning for my baby shower, and let me remind you i didnt end up having one bc of all the bs, well just cause I wanted new stuff for my son, even tho they offered to give me things I nicely refused and said thank you, and ever since then I swear my fiances mother, his sister, his step dad mostly them, kept saying I was ungrateful and a bitch, and i kept saying no nicely. But they took it to a whole different level, well evetually i just said screw it bit my tongue and would just decide to take it but I won't use it, well i planned my baby shower a month in advance and of course, no one can't make it or something came up, and here I am working around their fuckin schedule again, well i just said fuck this shit and I got upset, i was crying, and etc. So I didn't have a baby shower! I was perfectly fine with that, bc i know i could afford the stuff for my son by myself anyways, after that things got better or I guess you would say things were civil. Well now here i am 36 weeks almost 37 getting very close to having my son, well i announced on fb about my birth plan and how i wanted it and etc, and his family threw it way out of fucking porortion... and they couldn't even respect my decision for it and I hurt their feelings and etc, like sorry I want just me and my fiance there when I go into labor, and also don't want anybody there in the waiting room bc i plan to have an hour or so with my son and fiance by ourselves, i never once said yall cant come see him when hes born! Dude, just drama is what happened, so evetually ive snapped and said fuck it, i gave my opinion, i can admit the bitch came out of me finally bc ive bitten my tongue too long enough, and they talk shit about me, kept making me look like im the bad guy and so on so on. So I blocked everybody and I mean everybody, i told my fiance at this point I do not fucking care anymore, what matters is my family that I have, and if no one can respect me or my wishes then they don't respect me period. My fiance hates that me and his family aren't on good terms, we won't even be celebrating holidays with them or nothing, bc i chose not to. My fiance loves me and of course u can tell by reading this, he chooses me and our family. But I hate it too but man they pushed me to my limit and I've had enough. And to see their true colors worries me. I love my family we have created and my family comes first no matter what. But, now I see this after i blocked his family their still talking their shit and now it's his step-dad and his aunt and its fucked up, bc their comparing me to my fiances baby mama in the past what she did to them, and thats not who I am, not once did I say I wouldn't let them see our son, but I guess their so fuckin sensitive its ridiclous, i dont need the stress or drama, and honestly since I've blocked them and all its been such a relief honestly. But yes, it does hurt me, it does upset me that things are this way but after dealing with this almost my whole pregnancy, you just gotta do what you have to do for yourself and family and your happiness. So what, i hope eventually things will cool down once my son is here but I know im not okay with what has been said or who to trust anymore!! So yeah, I just had to let this out so badly. It makes me so mad how they can say that about me, but their ones to talk, no one is fuckin perfect and I can admit I can be a bitch but im only a bitch for a fuckin reason, im honestly the most sweetest person and respectful person ever. But when it comes to disrespecting me or etc imma put you in your place! And they wanna call me a bitch and all, now they can call me a bitch bc now they've truly seen my bitch side. Anyways, I apologize ladies for venting like this. But idk what else to do anymore.....