best Christmas gift ever

21 weeks. Honestly the best day of my pregnancy so far. At 18 weeks I went to Dartmouth for my ultrasound and to talk to a Geneticists about the possibility of a clef lip or pallet ( I was born with a clef pallet and for those who don't know it's a whole on the roof of your mouth that can connect to your sinuses and can cause hearing and other issues at birth or some time down the road as my hearing hasn't been as great as it used to) and during the ultrasound they saw something that they thought was a hole between her two lower chambers in her heart. I spent 18-21 weeks carrying this weight and stress around with me and at night sometimes I would just lay there feeling my little girl move around almost in tears because my mothers first child had passed due to whole in his heart when he was an infant. Today going in to my echo I was ready for any news they were going to lay on me. But the cardiologist came in and told my mother and I that they didn't see anything wrong with her heart and she is progressing healthy as can be. All I wanted to do was cry tears of joy. Now is just the waiting came for the next 19 weeks for her to get here. <3 
(I was asked what was wrong with her when I posted my 21 weeks photo so I thought id elaborate )