*minor update* could labor be coming? Share experiences please!

So for the past 3 days I've noticed a lot more discharge, that's different than I'm used to. It's watery and clear. I don't think it's my fluids since it's not constant (I get the most when I first wake up) and it kinda smells like discharge (I've thought about getting it checked but it just doesn't seem like amniotic fluid leak idk) Anyways, I've had this increase in fluids and yesterday and today I'm suddenly VERY moody. I haven't been very moody in my pregnancy and have been fairly happy but it's like suddenly I'm crying a lot and just emotional. I cleaned out my entire car and installed the car seat base yesterday for no reason, like frantically 😳 and I've been having sharp pains when baby moves down low and in my pelvis like he's really low and on and off mild period like cramps. I'm only almost 33 weeks, but I know these can be signs labor is coming in a week or so give or take so I'm kind of nervous as I don't want my boy coming yet! Anyone have similar changes that led up to labor? Should I contact my ob and let them know of these things or should I just wait it out (it's not easy to call and talk to a nurse so I'm trying to safe some trouble of going to L&D and wasting people's times). Share your experiences please! thanks! 
* I forgot to mention I have an abnormal uterus (spectate, sub septate, binocurate) so I'm more worried about preterm labor and panic a little haha