TTC has put fear in me. Anyone else feel this way?

Ever since TTC, it's been almost 2 years. Negative tests after negative tests even when you think that is may be the month because something was different than the other months before. Than getting a positive test but it turning out to be a false positive. Now, I have come to a stand still. I have went through all period calculating apps, went online to those period calculators. I have calculated everything. I know this month should be a fail because I had sex only 3 times. I have been feeling like my period is about to start, but it hasn't. I am 5 going on 6 days late. (TMI I feel a little more "wet" than normal). I am too scared to take a test to see a big fat negative. It's Christmas, I don't want that disappointment. So, I have kept this silent from my SO. In fear of getting his hopes up as well. I have a pregnancy test, but do I dare take it? How do I just push all of this to the back of my mind? I feel like I should tell my hubby so I have someone to talk to... but if there's a chance I might be pregnant I would love to make it a surprise for his birthday which is Jan 5. This has been running through my mind since the first day of being late. I try to keep myself busy but honestly....I get things done in less than an hour. I want to just wait until January at least... Ah! The fear! I never miss a period.