stupid iPhone eff you

So iPhones are stupid as fuck. 
I dropped off my man at work at 8, went to play some poker and was having a rather good time. Then all of a sudden my phone starts tripping so I turn it off. I turn it on and it's still trippin... dunno wtf is wrong with it so I go outside and take out the SIM card hoping it'll fix and no... so 3 times I try putting it back in and it falls... well the 3rd time I couldn't find it. I look under all the damn seats and nothing. Drove to my boyfriend , had him look and nothing. He asks me to come inside and I'm pissed asf and stomped inside. I had nothing to do so I left even more pissed off. Turns out it's a software glitch and my phone is fucked. Fucking amazing. Fuck this iPhone . Rant over