Its a shame when you get bashed on Glow

So i made a post about my SO and how ive let him live with me unemployed for 2+ years and now that he is employed he wont buy me small things like perfume, take me shopping, get my hair or nails done. These chicks jumped on my post literally taking up for him saying he doesnt have to buy me anything. Im like what type of reality you live in, and i know most women do things like that for themselves, but i asked those who do please dont respond if youre so wealthy and wanna look down on someone. My feelings arent hurt about all them feeling like he wasnt/isnt obligated to buy me things but he is my man and lives with me. It was only 1 lady who felt i should throw him a couple bills to pay. I was explaining that he makes $350.00 a week with only a cellphone bill of his to pay. I see now these chicks do a whole lot to try to keep a man and let them pump babies in them then he disappears and they go jumping on Glow looking stupid. I never once said i couldnt do those things for myself. My point was Xmas coming up and since he havent did anything special like that im feeling like he's saving his money to get something special or maybe for Xmas and after xmas if he dont im not sure how i should take it with him being so stingy. These broads went ham like he's their man. But last but not least i get tired of every post somebody saying ,"this dont make since" or "my grammar is messed up" this isnt school and im a college student with excellent grades id expect my professor to be saying i dont make sense. Thanks for reading I just had to vent!!!!