feeling guilty

I had a missed miscarriage at 11 weeks in May. I had to have a D&C, and since then I have done 5 <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>'s, with no luck. My baby girl was due November 20th, so this Christmas was especially difficult for me and my wife, because we should have had a one month old baby. When we were opening gifts with my family, my mom gave me a baby blanket and said "this is for your baby". I lost it, and started crying. Once I started, it was hard to stop. My mom meant for the gift to be hopeful, as a gesture that I would be having a baby in the future. But for me, it represented what I lost. I feel so guilty that I upset my mom by getting upset. We hugged and apologized to each other repeatedly, but I still feel like I ruined Christmas.