How do y'all deal with all the shamelessness around?

Aliya • 21, Married. Alhamdulillah

Assalamu Alaikum,

I was just wondering, with all the shameless immodest and immoral people around , how do y'all deal with it?

There are women almost naked, ideas of gay and homosexuality around. Billboards, offices, streets filled with immorality. How do you, as a Muslim, live your life? And how do you deal with it as a family?

I mean your little children are exposed to these shamelessness. Husband and wife fights may intensify each day, inflaming arguments, because of these women around.

Im a very strict person. I detest any form of vulgarity. I can't bear that my husband looks at even a single photo of any woman in improper clothing. Nor can I bear the thought of exposing my children to such horrible stuff (when I have them in future insha Allah),

Please advise me.