Misscarried and lost...help?

After trying to concieve, we had finally got our positives. We were so happy and excited for what was toz come with statying a new family. Appointments going well and path started to prep my body to <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">nurture</a> a new life. We could not be more happy.... After battling with myself to quit a job causing nothing but stress and sadness for the sake of not only my health but the baby as well. I finally took the leap and ended it this morning . Along with this step came an additional sadness... pain struck my core and immediatly I felt off.... went to the bathroom this morning to see nothing but blood everywhere. More pain struck and I look in to the red stained water to see our precious possibility become a memory. I knew just then I had miscarried..... I am full of sadness and lost.... any suggestions?