HSG test

Has anyone ever had a HSG test done. And if so was it painful? 
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Posted at
Yes... It hurt for me and I cried a lot lol but then again I'm very sensitive and adding that we are TTC adds to the emotional part. But thank God uterus was good and tubes clear :) good luck if your scheduled for one!!


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When I had it done it didn't hurt at all. I didn't take anything for pain either. Just make sure you relax! 


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I've had it done. I get horrible menstrual cramps every cycle, so the cramping that the HSG caused was quite bearable. I didn't think it was bad at all. 


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I had it. It was very quick, but I did find it painful. The dr told me to take like 2 Tylenol beforehand to help with the pain. I experienced moderate cramping and light spotting for a few hours after. 


Da • Jan 20, 2015
Yep, +1 to what Rayna said. Wishing you good luck, the HSG is worth it!


Am • Jan 20, 2015
I agree it's hurts or rather super uncomfortable but it's really quick


Posted at
I just had the test done today and I had little cramping during the test but now I feel horrible cramping no spotting.


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Yes I am scheduled for one on the 17th. When they do the procedure and if your tubes aren't clear do they clear them out then or is it a separate appointment. I have been on chlomid and metphormin this is my 5th month so I'm hoping after the HSG test I'll have answers.


Posted at
Just had mine done today. Well the 19th since its 1am here. I guess everyone is different. I've read some ladies say it was just uncomfortable or felt like period cramps or a pap. I swear I don't want to scare you because it was very reassuring but mine hurt. I was holding the nurses hand and crying lol. They asked if I needed a break but I just wanted it done with! The worst part for me was when she pushed the dye through. As soon as they took the things out I was fine. Slight cramping still but not painful at all, so it might just be in my head. I would say it took 5 minutes or so. Luckily I had very nice nurses that told me how great I did lol.


Lo • Jan 20, 2015
the run a catheter into your cervix and push blue dye through. the dye shoots through your cervix an fallopian tubes and it checks for blockage and the shape.


lina • Jan 20, 2015
wat exactly ia hsg test


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I took ibuprofen 800mg 1 hour before and the cramping lasted about 5 minutes (the time they took to do the procedure). Just remember to relax and take lots of deep breaths. Oh and bring a pad with you.


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I had one done in October. The worst part was when he injected the dye. I had taken 2 Tylenol before but the dye caused a lot of pressure. Once it was over I was fine, no cramping or spotting. 


Posted at
I had it done and it wasn't bad at all. I did take a ibuprofen 800 30 mins before.