Aloe Vera to induce labor

I'm trying for a Vbac after 2pcs and I'm 40 weeks.
(Just found out today that my estimated due date was today the 27th instead of them going through my menstrual period that had me at 24th of December. Which would have made me 40w 3ds today but now I'm 40ws.🙄 a little confusing Ikr and a 3 day set back.)
My doctor and her colleagues are all not on board with me doing a Vbac, they obviously can't force me to do a RPCS so they are not gonna help with the "process" (aka helping with dilation, no induction non medical and medical, no membrane sweep, not even helping to break my water if I was 7 cm.) 
They will let me be over due though, my next appointment is Jan 3rd and if the stress test comes back good I could go up to 42 weeks. If not at a day past 42 I have to have another CSection (more cause I'm worried the Placenta won't provide for the baby anymore) 
I'm trying anything and everything in the blue moon to help me dilate. I'm thinned and dropped but still closed. I'm getting disappointed because I feel like she won't come on her own wothout a little help. Trying sooo hard not to stress out about this but its hard when you struggle with anxiety & depression. 
I've tried acupuncture, sex, yoga ball, walking, squatting, dancing, spicy food, EPO, the extract found in pineapples,(couldn't stand eating them anymore) dates, hot hot baths, the list goes on. But I googled upon something that had to do with "inducing Labor naturally" and I found Aloe Vera juice. Drank some after I did a little research and went straight to the store. Took a sip and my 5 mins apart back contractions went to 2mins and lasted about 20sec. Got 4 good ones and they went back to "normal" at 5mins. That happened after an hour later of me taking a sip of it. Has any of you mommies out there taken this and had more intense/interesting results? Was wondering because I was thinking tomorrow I was going to (somehow) down the whole bottle. It smells how I think Lysol would taste. And. It. Kills. lol but anything to try to get baby girl out because she is one stubborn one!