Reading aloud to your tummy

Cara • Baby boy due May 30th, 2017!

I can't remember seeing any information stating that this is actually beneficial, but now that my baby can hear me, I have been reading to him aloud while hes in my tummy still. My question is reguarding what I should be reading? I plan on continuing to read what I usually read (mostly memoirs) rather than childrens books. Although, when he is born I will transition to childrens books. I just think (if its beneficial) it will be beneficial either way. I read to my nieces and nephew often, so he will hear that as well. I just want to read to him as much as possible. Is anyone else doing this? What are you reading? Any book recommendations? Right now I am reading Autobiography Of A Face by Lucy Grealy.

Edit: If anyone knows of any fictional magical books, please comment the names below! I would rather read something a bit more interesting and suspenseful than a memoir if I am going to continue reading adult books.