How to get back into CrossFit?!


So I've been on and off with CrossFit for 4 years now. I was really consistent the first two years and the last two I've been less consistent (graduate school + three moves). My most recent reason (excuse?) for not doing it the last month was this whole TTC issue - - I've had so little luck getting a BFP that I literally just dropped exercise in hopes this little egg would implant... And it did!

I'm 4wks1day and up until a month ago, was going to CrossFit 1-2 times a week, assuming for 3. I still want to continue, but I'm confused on how to do so considering that everything days "you can continue your exercise routine (with modifications) from before your pregnancy." But, what if you've been inconsistent and took the month before off?

If you think there is a way to get back into it despite this, I would love to know suggested modifications/exercises to avoid.