Evil/selfish step mom?


I feel like I'm living all the fairytale, stereotypical 'evil' step mom... im so much more strict than my husband and Def less patient with in appropriateness. But that's not what I'm really here to vent about...

We just got my beautiful step daughter for a good 4 day weekend and low and behold she is sick again. She is always sick...she threw up a couple of times during the night and I'm truly praying it's because she ate something funny or just too much junk food...now typically I wouldn't be so aggravated however I'm 40w 4 days pregnant and don't want to get sick myself nor do I want the baby to get sick after just being born. I know this is a valid concern but boy do I feel insensitive...like if by chance I go into labor tonight and my step daughter is still showing signs she is sick, I don't want her holding her new baby sister.(mind you this is my first biological child)

Is it just me being evil and selfish? Or is it fair to have these feelings?

(And I'm not naive to know my baby girl will get sick but it doesn't need to be right out of the womb)