Update on me! Long! Little tmi!

natosha • Hey, I’m tosha! I’m now pregnant with my 6th child and still learning new things everyday. I’m taking online courses to be and ultrasound tech, but I’m mostly a stay at home mom. Just here asking questions like everyone else!💜
I went to hospital and got sent home with contractions 3 minutes apart, well the contractions are still coming but have died down a lot! Now since yesterday (tmi) every time I wipe I've been loosing lots of mucus, and my stomach has dropped 100%, now I was already dilated to 2 cm and 80% effaced. Baby's movement is there just not a lot. Anybody else think labor is soon or am I just getting excited. My problem is I'm 35 weeks and I was getting a weekly shot called p17 to keep me from going into labor early and I still have 1 more to go but I don't get it until next Wednesday. And my next actual doctor appointment is Jan. 3rd. I'm at home all day until 7 pm without a car and I have a 3 and 2 year old I have to take care of, so in all honesty I'm not sure if I'm scared or excited. I've been to the hospital 4 times now with pre term labor and I have had a steroid shot to help his lungs, they did and emergency ultrasound and said he was 100% completely healthy and everything is developed so they aren't going to stop me, but every labor I have had I always got stuck at 4 cm and I'm scared it will happen again, should I wait until last minute to go if I need to? Like I said I was sent home two days ago with contractions at 3 minutes apart, I just didn't dilate with in two hours so they sent me home.