Is this a Chemical Pregnancy

Malayia • First time mommy😍🫶🏽
So monday i took like 5 test all different kinds , in the am i got 3 positives . very faint but there , i also took one that night because i was getting negatives thru out the day and finally on a First Response i got another positive !! i made sure SO seen it as well , af is due tommorow and for these last days iv been testing to see if they get darker so i can be sure and make a obgyn appt , but they are negative now . unless my HCG levels are flactuating . im so sad iv never gotten any lines and now i cant get them anymore ,, im having small cramps and im assuming af is coming and i am also assuming i had a chemical pregnancy ?? i was SO excited man !! has this happen to anyone ? please help me ?? me and my husband wanted a baby so bad ... can my hormones be too low ?? and my bbt was 98.4 last night and today its 98.7 so maybe thats a good sign