repeat csection

Hey ladies. So I'm having my second repeat csection in April. Disclaimer: I'm totally fine with having another csection and don't have desire for vba2c....just wanted to put that out there lol
My question is my baby's due date is 4/22. Doctor said can go a week before which puts us at 4/15 (a Saturday.) OB said Monday 4/17 is good. I feel like asking if Friday 4/14 is okay. The reason is because my older children have spring break the week of 4/17.
 Csection is a typical 3 day hospital stay. I almost think it makes most sense if I'm in hospital over that weekend as opposed to spring break. Not only that but will give me 3 extra days to recooperate and heal a little before they start school again. 
You think the 3 days time difference for baby staying in makes that big of a difference?