Anal fissures... so painful, please help!

Anyone else dealing with anal fissures?! I've been treating hemmorhoids thinking that was my issue but after I was in excruciating pain last night and bright blood in my stool, decided to go to the doctor. It felt like a million razor blades down there when having a BM... the doc diagnosed anal fissures after a very painful anal examination. I kicked the nurse in the face! Ugh... then he proceeded to tell me about this cream that I could apply the would numb it down there but then realized I'm breastfeeding.. and it's not recommended because there hasn't been any studies on nursing moms obviously. He sent me home with nothing! Just recommended ibuprofen and said it will heal in 4-6 weeks! I can't deal with this pain for 4-6 weeks... told me to come back if it does get worse, don't think it can get much worse. 
Also read that sitz baths help, please I need some other remedy? What did your doc do if you are breastfeeding?