slept in his crib all night!!!

I am sooo happy. My boy has been co sleeping with me and last night I decided to try out his crib. He woke up twice but he didn't cry. I could hear him moving around so I went to feed and change him and he went right back to sleep both times. Hopefully he continues to be a good baby in his crib! 
Btw I understand that it's not safe for anything to be in the crib or for him to sleep on his belly. But he's been doing it for a long time and has great head control. And as for the blanket, he sleeps with it when he's in bed with me and last night it didn't even come close to his face. He usually has a blanket over his bottom half during every time he naps or goes to bed. It comforts him. So please don't give me any advice about that.