First appt update!

I had my first appt today and all went well. Nothing major, they just went over a lot of information and calmed my nerves a bit. Drew blood to check my progesterone levels because having those regulated can help to prevent mc if levels are low. 
We go back in two weeks and get to see our sweet baby for the first time!! I can't even wait. February 3rd.
My sweet husband sent me these flowers at work today because he knew I was stressing about the appt:)
Oh, and we told both sets of parents tonight after the appt. I put an apple seed in a little box and when they opened we told them that's how big our baby is right now. So fun and exciting!! This is the 1st grandbaby for my mom so she was super excited and guessed we were pregnant from the apple seed before I even told her. Hubby's mom started jumping up and down screaming. 
It was a good day:) Hope all of you lovely mommies are having a good one as well!!