more than 2 c-sections? anyone?

I had my first c-section due to my baby being frank breech. I chose to to have my second c-section. We didn't think we would have a 3rd...  but I'm pregnant! :) anyone have more than 2 c-sections? Care to tell me a bit about it?
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I've had 3 c-sections and will be having my 4th in two months! Ask if your hospital does "gentle c-sections", if you're interested.  The experience is supposed to be more similar to a vaginal birth in that you get to see the baby being pulled out and you get to hold him/her right away.  I'm thankful my hospital does them now because this will be my last baby.


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I was told after 3-4 c-sections they'll ask you to get your tubes tied because it's so hard on your stomach. So be prepared for that. But yes I have a friend who's having her 3rd baby and she'll have another c-sections. Docs told her not to have any more babies though after this one or they'll refuse help because of the risk she's putting on her body. I didn't think they could even do that. Like that's inhumane.