TMI TMI TMI but I really hoping someone can relate


I'm 5 weeks as of today and yesterday evening I started the worst case of diarrhea I have ever had. I'm literally running to the bathroom every 20 mins and it feels like I am peeing out my butt!!! (So sorry for be graphic) and it's even the color of urine. This continued into today all day long. I called my dr Bc I'm so scared this could effect the baby and she didn't sound to concerned she just said this could be very normal for early pregnancy due to level of hormones or change in diet. If I felt like I was in need of emergency care I need to go to er. Which made me feel like this wasn't serious. But this is continuing into tonight now and I feel like I soon as I take a sip of water I'm running to the bathroom and it's coming out. Anyone else experience this? Did it effect the baby at all? Please someone with input or someone who experienced this put my mind at ease. TIA. 
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Posted at
Welcome to the sisterhood, mama. Either you can't shit or you can't stop. Can't eat anything or you're starving. Can't sleep or you wanna pass out at noon :) make sure you're drinking a lot of water to stay hydrated, even if you feel it's just going out the other end.


Ta • Dec 31, 2016
Thank you I'm so scared it was effecting the baby I didn't have this with my first.


Posted at
Mine wasn't as bad as yours, but I definitely had it from like 4-5 weeks, it was like as soon as I found out I had that and bad heart burn, then it just went away.. and I'm almost 10 weeks... you're ok! Just keep hydrated. Try drinking Gatorade or sparkling water for carbonation 


Ta • Dec 31, 2016
Thanking you praying it goes away soon.


Posted at
Yeppp been there. It was a stomach bug that was gone within like 72 hours or so. Drink some pedialite and try and stay hydrated. Good luck sweetie. Its just that awful time of year for stomach bugs!!


Posted at
It won't directly affect the baby and it sounds more like a stomach thing than a pregnancy thing. If you can't drink enough fluids, you should go to the ER to get IV fluids so you don't get dehydrated.


Posted at
Probably a bug I had a bug at 8 weeks pregnant as well. Went to the ER stayed for 6 hours cause they were giving me fluids. Just drink a lot of water and possible Gatorade something with electrolite in it. Omg I can't spell it but hopefully you get what I'm trying to write 


Ta • Dec 31, 2016
Thank you so much.


☀️☀️ • Dec 31, 2016
I think you should be fine when I went in the er they scanned and she was ok. Just keep really hydrated. I was at work when that episode went down but hopefully it should pass soon! Good luck!!


Ta • Dec 31, 2016
Thank you my belly isn't hurting consistently but like I'll catch a gas cramp or something and literally running to the bathroom and like barely making it. It's awful. I hope it goes away soon.


Posted at
Sounds like a stomach bug


Ta • Dec 31, 2016
Omg 😲 I hope it goes away soon I literally can not function


Posted at
Have you started taking a prenatal yet?


Hailie • Jan 1, 2017
I did that when I took nature's made prenatals. there's an ingredient that's like a laxative in them. I would check the ingredient in your prenatals


Ta • Dec 31, 2016
Yes started as soon as I found at at 4 wks


Posted at
Thanks everyone for he help... deff looks like a stomach being my whole house has it now my poor 4 year old :(