TMI...but embarrassing

For about 2 months sometimes when I go #2, I would bleed. The blood would be very light & would go away with on wipe. But about 3 days ago, I was going #2 & it hurt a lot (like ripping feeling) & I did bleed again. After a couple hours I used the restroom again & noticed stuff on my undies (not blood). I figured it was because of my diet & started drinking plenty of water, veggies, & fruit the past days (which I haven't too much in the past 2 months). Today, I found a tiny pea size lump on the right side of my butthole. It hurts a little to the touch. Super embarrassing but I had my bf take a picture of it to see what it was & it's slightly a different color from the skin, but not dramatically different. I looked it up right now & it says that it is a common hemmeroid with all the same symptoms I've been having as well as there being different colors! I was just wondering if anyone has had this happen to them, & what possible solutions you did to help get rid of it fast! Thanks!