Heartbroken; we just miscarried

My husband and I were pregnant with our first baby expected to be due the end of July. My levels were super high, our baby had a strong heartbeat, and the doctors office told me I was healthy and having a beautiful pregnancy. This past Friday, I had a few spots of blood, but was told it was from intercourse with my husband & not to worry. It stopped, but I found more when I woke up Saturday. Something was telling me that something wasn't right, so my husband & I went to the ER. After hours of giving blood, an IV, Doppler, and ultrasound, we were told the baby had no heartbeat, & we were sent home heartbroken & in shock for me to miscarry at 13 weeks 2 days pregnant. Which is awful physically. I was bleeding more each day and having contractions. We had to wait until Monday to see our doctor; which was supposed to be a happy visit, as we were planning on making our announcement to everyone afterwards. We were given another Ultrasound & got to see our angel one last time. It was devastating to see my baby's little arms & legs and them not moving. I again was sent home & we were at the hospital yesterday for my D & C. I am very physically sore now, but feel emotionally hit by a train over and over again. We are heartbroken & I feel ridden with guilt that I did something wrong to not protect our baby. How could I not know he/she passed away? I'm their mommy. How do we get past this? People keep telling me we can try again, but we wanted THIS baby. I'm terrified to try again, heartbroken, and missing my baby terribly. Thank you for listening to my story.