I need answers before I shoot

Autumn • Pregnancy freaks me out
I'm getting so pissed at my friend it's like she doesn't even want her kid. Every time we hang out she wants to go out an party an I don't want to for one I'm pregnant an don't wanna be on my feet an two I'm pretty sure she don't need too either. 
She is 21 an pregnant again, her mom an grandmother watches her daughter who is 3 an they are getting up in age where they can't play around with her. My friend goes out all the time an party I wanna slap the piss out of her so bad she doesn't give her child the attention she needs at all an gets upset when I tell her she needs to be around her more. 
Make matters worse she's out at a club right now for New Years , yes I can understand you wanna have a good night but your out partying an drinking. Her mom an grandma have told me they have had about enough she an her daughter lives with the grandma she doesn't once say thank you for watching her kid. 
Somebody tell me what to do before I end up telling her something about herself. She now got two baby daddies who ain't helping her with anything an she's one of those girls who needs to stop opening her legs for ever nigga that calls her up just for sex. I could sit back an watch her shit blow up in her face but I'm not that type of friend I'm trying to help.